Some of you might have heard – well, at least the Apple users among you probably heard – iWeb is almost history, there doesn’t seem to be any plan to keep it alive. MobileMe is definitely history – Apple will retire it in fall and replace it with iCloud, their new service. Problem – there will be no replacement for the existing web page hosting service.Well, that means that I have to look for an alternative for my German web site at The topics covered are similar to this page, but the language is German.
After some thinking I decided to move over the content from my old web site to this blog, even if that means that I’ll mix the languages here. English will remain the primary language, German entries will be tagged as “German” so that you can easily filter the content.
So within the next couple of weeks I will transfer the blog entries over to this site. Stay tuned, there might be some interesting stuff for you under way.
Blue skies … vy 73 … Jens