About me

Hi and thanks for visiting!

I hope you enjoy my blog about “Flying ‘n’ Stuff”. As the name implies, most of the information you’ll find on my page is somehow aviation related, although you might find an occasional crumb (well, perhaps more than occasional, let’s see how it works out) on other topics that I am interested in, like amateur radio, model flying, photography, IPSC shooting, offroad driving, Mac and “iStuff” … you might realize by now that my scope of interest is quite large … and perhaps a little bit geeky … hope you don’t mind …

To complete the picture: For 20 years I used to make my living as a freelance management consultant, mostly in the areas of process design, program and project management, requirements and systems engineering, change management and corporate revitalization. In 2012 I left the consulting business and settled down … at least a little bit. Today, I am managing an accounting department at a small German specialties bank.

My background has been in engineering, having a masters degree in mechanical and industrial engineering. However, right after my studies I started a career with a large international consulting firm (one of the former big six companies). You know the story – I was young and needed the money, and after a while the financial dependency kicked in and prevented me from doing something more useful with my life.

Perhaps you’ll find something on these professional topics as well, but I’ll doubt it.This site should be focused on the lighter side of life. If you absolutely must, you might want to visit my business web site. It’s all German, but if that’s no problem for you you might find something useful there as well.

For quite a while my job didn’t leave me much time to spend in airplanes and doing the thing I love more than almost anything else in the world. Fortunately, in 2014 I got the opportunity to get my EASA flight instructor license FI(A). Since then I spend most of my sparetime on the airport, trying to prevent student pilots to kill me (and boy, they are creative in finding new ways). I am a strong believer in continuous learning, especially in aviation, and I want to encourage you to share some of your experiences and learnings as well. There is no use in making all the mistakes by yourself, life is usually too short for that.

Well, enough said, here are some more facts about me. Hope that gives you some idea of who you are dealing with. Tell me what you think, I’ll love to hear from you!

Best regards from Germany


  • Licenses: PPL(A), FI(A), NFQ, SEP/TMG Class Ratings; FAA Commercial Instrument ASEL
  • Types flown: PA-18, C150, Aquila, DA20 Katana, C172, TB9, TB10, PA28-181, PA28-R200, DR400/200R, SF25, HK36 Super Dimona, various gliders.
  • Amateur Radio: Focus on QRP with FT-817, HB-1B, and NorCal 40A. Recent add-on is an FT-897 to add some power. Mostly field operations, since the QRM at home is unbearable. German Class-A license, call DJ2UM (ah, that explains the URL … finally). Trying to learn CW, but with limited success so far.
  • IPSC production class with Sig/Sauer P226SL in 9mm Para, and standard class with Streyer Voight Infinity in .40 S&W
  • Photography: Nikon D90
  • Model flying: Gliders and electric gliders, Multiplex R/C line


Dipl.-Ing. Jens Uwe Möller
Lindemannstraße 60
40237 Düsseldorf

Tel: +49 (211) 698 6924
Mobil: +49 (174) 905 0606
eMail: jensumoeller (at) me (dot) com

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Dipl.-Ing. Jens Uwe Möller

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