My New iPad Workstation

Well, it’s no secret: I love my iPad! But when it comes to typing longer documents, the on-screen keyboard just won’t work for me (I touch type, if I forgot to mention). I looked at various keyboard solutions for the iPad, but most of them add too much weight and are too clumsy in my oppinion. Basically, I don’t want to carry the keyboard with me all the time, only when I need it. And when I need it, I want a real fullsize keyboard that enables me to just type away. The solution: Use an Apple Bluetooth keyboard. Problem: a) How to securely transport the thing and b) How to attach the iPad at a nice viewing angle. This is where the Incase Origami iPad Workstation enters the game.

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My QRP Go Pack

Just wanted to show you my new QRP go-pack, designed to be extremely portable for use in my back pack. It consists of a YouKits HB-1B tranceiver, a ZM-2 antenna tuner (Z-Match), 10 cell NiMH battery pack, Palm Key portable paddle with magnetic mount (the FT-817 model), pair of in-ear headphones, 2 x 10m random wire antenna (one goes into the next tree, one goes on the ground as counter poise), some thin nylon line to mount the antenna, and a golf ball with a hook as a weight to launch the antenna.

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